Architectural photography goes beyond just accurately capturing a room to a digital image. It is more an artistic representation, focusing and accentuating the architectural sophistication and design details of a space and its furnishings.
The practice of architectural photography includes both high-quality photographic still images as well as video walkthroughs and 360º panoramas.
On the whole, architectural photography requires a higher-level of attention to detail and preparation. Rather than emphasizing the quantity of images, the focus is on lighting, staging and artistic perspective. This entails ensuring that everything captured by the lens provides clean lines and appealing visuals.
Relying initially on optimizing the available natural light, supplemental lighting is used as appropriate to reduce unwanted shadows and provide a pleasing and consistent level of light in the environment. The aim is to capture the highest quality images in-camera as possible, which then feed into a detailed post-production process. This includes taking multiple exposures of each view, which are then composited in post-production to create a set of high dynamic range images. The extensive post-product process also ensures accurate reproduction and even tone throughout.
The following is a sample of architectural photoshoots and video walkthroughs taken of recently remodeled living spaces.